Hannah N Allen
May 2024
Hannah N
Whitesburg Appalachian Regional Hospital
United States




It is obvious that she cares and really wants to make a difference in the lives of everyone she cares for, from every hug to even helping me with basic things. The support and care she provided gave me the utmost respect and comfort in the worst moments of my life.
We met her at Whitesburg ARH when we came for my daughter to deliver our baby’s grandbaby. He was born stillborn and she gave excellent care. She went above and beyond, seeing to it that every need was met, pain wise, comfort wise, any above her care she gave him. The whole staff was awesome, shift and night, but Hannah was the one that we remember the most who made sure we knew that she was here to take care of us; she is an excellent nurse. 


My wife and I came in, unfortunately, to deliver our stillborn baby boy, and Hannah was the most sympathetic and compassionate person we have ever seen. She went above and beyond to make my wife and me as comfortable as humanly possible when dealing with such a situation. She helped us understand things that we didn’t, it seemed like we no more than pressed the call button, and she was there. She did her best to give my wife as much dignity as possible and always had a good answer to any question we asked. I personally have never encountered a nurse with as much heart, compassion, and poise as this lovely woman has. She deserves this award and so much more. 


I had come in after receiving the worst news of my life. I had lost my baby boy at 37 weeks and 5 days. Hannah cried with me until my family came. She comforted me from the time I entered her floor until the day I left. She not only comforted me, but she also offered support to my husband and family as we grieved the loss of my son. Hannah even checked on me after my son’s funeral. I was a roller coaster of emotions and Hannah tackled every single one with compassion and kindness. It is obvious that she cares and really wants to make a difference in the lives of everyone she cares for, from every hug to even helping me with basic things. The support and care she provided gave me the utmost respect and comfort in the worst moments of my life. It’s a debt I could never repay her. Hannah embodies the DAISY Award and goes way above the oath she took when she received her nursing pin. Being the daughter of a nurse I hope you know the high standards I have for a nurse and she blew that standard out of the water. The impact she had on not just me but my family is one that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. To Hannah: thank you from the bottom of my heart. May god bless you, as you were the biggest blessing to me. 


Hannah Allen was my day shift nurse during one of the scariest and most painful experiences I’ve ever had. She was so kind from the time I got admitted until I got discharged. I was 36 weeks pregnant with kidney stones and my right kidney wasn’t draining like it should resulting in excruciating pain. I couldn’t eat, drink, walk or hardly move for 4 days. I was dehydrated and tired from lack of sleep. Hannah was in my room almost every hour checking on me and giving me the best care she could give. I never went without medicine to help ease my pain and she was so very compassionate and kind during my stay. She never complained or acted like she was to busy for me and was there in a split second ready to help me whenever I needed her. She offered any kind of help she could give and went above and beyond in patient care. I will never forget her and will forever thank her for her kindness and the compassion she had for me while under her care. I know I ran her legs off, and I was probably a bit overwhelming at times, but she never treated me like I was a burden or like she didn’t have time for my needs. She is a true DAISY Nurse.