Antoinette Blackstock
February 2016
LAC+USC Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Antoinette brought a smile and an ounce of reassurance that everything was going to be okay. On our first day here, she welcomed us with a smile and was concerned about my husband, her patient. She offered me, his wife, a blanket and some coffee after finding out that I had not left his bedside for 3 weeks. She showed so much compassion and kindness to us and we finally felt safe. My husband is a trauma patient and was horrified. Antoinette was constantly focused on his well-being and his bed-side needs. A couple of times we had trouble with the social worker and she was persistent to help me get an answer. Her professionalism is perfect, her customer service skills are exceptional and they go beyond nursing school. Antoinette helps the family and the patient understand and accept that everything will be okay. She walks in the room with a warm smile and explains everything. She explained everything, from the type of medication to the procedure at hand. Thank you, Antoinette for welcoming us to your floor with warmth, security, and assurance.
Antoinette started working with us a little over a year now. I havealways observed her to wear a smile on her face and never complained, no matter how busy her day or assignment was. She takes pride when caring for her patients and conducts herself in a professional manner. Antoinette always goes the extra mile in making her patients feel comfortable and ensures that their needs are met. Thank you, Antoinette for making our patients and families feel comfortable during their stay here on the Medical Surgical Unit. Continue to have a caring and compassionate attitude towards our patients. We appreciate you and we are glad you are on our team.
Congratulations Antoinette on receiving the DAISY Award! We are all very proud of you!