Gwyneth Wiese
January 2020
Maternal Child
Mercy Hospital Iowa City
Iowa City
United States




My husband and I first met Gwyn during the last two months of my pregnancy, when we visited L&D twice a week for non-stress tests. All of the nurses we met in this department were phenomenal, but we especially loved coming on days when Gwyn was working. She always had a positive, upbeat attitude, and she made us feel so welcome and comfortable.
On the morning of my labor induction, I was disappointed not to see Gwyn working, but hoped I'd see her at some point during the labor and delivery process. My labor started off with a bang, and unfortunately, the baby didn't tolerate it well. By early afternoon that day, the decision was made to move to a C-section in order to get the baby out quickly. I was absolutely terrified. I was nervous about the surgery and worried about getting our daughter out safely. I was nervously waiting being wheeled into surgery when Gwyn walked into the room with a smile on her face. She had just come on shift and she said she was so excited to see us and that she'd be with us the whole way. In that moment, I felt a giant wave of relief.
Gwyn's positive attitude and confident demeanor made me feel like everything would be okay. She was a friendly, familiar face at a time when I was feeling particularly vulnerable. When my husband couldn't be in the operating room to comfort me during the spinal procedure, Gwyn was there for me. When my daughter needed to spend some time in the nursery, and my husband went to be with her, Gwyn was there for me. And in the wee hours of the night, when we were learning how to be new parents, Gwyn was there for us. She was a warm, comforting presence on the most terrifying, exciting, and emotional day of our lives. Gwyn's kindness, compassion, and exceptional nursing care meant the world to us. We always remember the impact made on the day of our daughter's birth.