Lynn Wildbore
February 2023
University Hospitals of Leicester
United Kingdom




Her dedication, knowledge, and commitment to those tiny little humans, as well as the manner she has towards the parents and the experience she shares with the other staff is honestly incomparable.
My little girl was born 3 months premature following some complications during pregnancy. The feeling of seeing your tiny, defenseless, underdeveloped baby in a little ‘plastic box’ whilst feeling the most vulnerable you have ever felt, is honestly a feeling only those who have been there can understand. I can honestly say, Lynn our neonatal nurse, was our absolute angel. From the first night shift she walked on to I immediately felt like my little tiny miracle was going to get the best care. Not only that, Lynn supported me through some personal issues I was going through, she showed professionalism but compassion all at the same time and I honestly can’t put into words how grateful I will forever be that Lynn walked on to the ward that night back in May 2021. Her dedication, knowledge, and commitment to those tiny little humans, as well as the manner she has towards the parents and the experience she shares with the other staff is honestly incomparable. We will never forget Lynn and I will make sure my little girl knows about ‘our favourite NICU nurse’ when she is old enough to understand.

There was one particular time my little lady was being a monkey, her saturation levels kept dropping and a doctor said she needed intubating, Lynn calmly stepped in, rolled a muslin cloth up, and positioned her how she knew my little girl liked to be and she settled within seconds; saturation went up and she stayed settled for the rest of the night. Because of Lynn’s commitment to getting to know the babies she cares for as well as working on her initiative and experience, she prevented my baby from having to be intubated that night; something that really could have set her back. This is just one example of the amazing work Lynn did during our time in the NICU.

I can’t thank you enough Lynn and this nomination doesn’t seem anywhere near enough for all that you did, but I hope you know how truly amazing you are and how lucky the NHS is to have you.