Nestle Wilson
February 2024
Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital
United States




Nestle was absolutely amazing from the moment he walked into our mother's room. Not only did Nestle treat our mom with the utmost respect and dignity, but also with love.
Our family was touched by an angel at Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital. That angel's name was Nestle Wilson. Our mother suffered a devastating stroke in December. Amazingly, she was able to communicate with us for those four beautifully heartbreaking days leading up to her death on Christmas Eve. It was a time of hard discussions and even harder decisions. Although it was so incredibly difficult to say goodbye to our wonderful mother, these days were such gifts to have with her. Nestle was absolutely amazing from the moment he walked into our mother's room. Not only did Nestle treat our mom with the utmost respect and dignity, but also with love. Love just emanates from Nestle! Several times while caring for our mom and getting her more comfortable, he would break out into song! He sang songs from our mom’s era, such as “How Much is that Doggie in the Window”, “Que Sera, Sera”, “Moon River” and finally “Smile”. Our mom was actually singing along with Nestle! He would ask her afterwards, “Are you happy?” And she would say “Yes”! It was the most touching experience we’ve ever witnessed in healthcare! He asked our mom if he could call her “Grandma” and he treated her like she truly was his grandmother. Nestle is an extraordinary nurse and human being! He cared for our entire family as if we were his own. He was always making sure we were comfortable, had all our questions answered, and even provided a shoulder to cry on or a heartfelt hug. As a family full of nurses and healthcare professionals, we know how difficult and emotionally taxing the profession can be. Given our perspectives, we recognize even more so the lengths to which Nestle went to provide exceptional care. While we are still grieving our mother who we all loved so much, having those last days with her was priceless. Experiencing the moments of joy within the sorrow is something we will never forget! We are forever thankful and grateful to Mr. Nestle Wilson. He embodies everything the DAISY Award symbolizes and we cannot think of a more deserving person!