Nursing Student
I work at Parkland with Stefan as a PCT and go to school with him as well. Stefan is a hard worker and really cares about patients as a whole. He is able to keep balance with a heavy load of work and school and continue to excel in learning and growing. Stefan is not in nursing and health care because of money, but because he wants to serve others. Stefan volunteers his time as well. Not only does he show up, but he is invested in serving people. He is selfless, determined, and dedicated to helping anyone he can.
While working a few different jobs on top of being a full-time student, Stefan has always been there to help out when needed. Whether it’s to study, to volunteer, or even just to help with something around the house, he is a servant. As much as we would love to feel special for his services in the lives of those he helps, we know we're not the only ones. Stefan is a helping hand in many communities. He’s touched several lives with not only his knowledge but his patience as well. He is an admirable young man.