Alesia Wrich
September 2022
Case Management
Intermountain Health - St. Mary's Medical Center
Grand Junction
United States
He had been at St. Mary’s for quite a while and wanted a Walkman CD player and two specific CDs. Alesia and her friend made it their mission to find the items.
As the complex case manager, Alesia forms deep and lasting relationships with our patients. A patient of Alesia’s recently asked to speak with her. He had a request. He had been at St. Mary’s for quite a while and wanted a Walkman CD player and two specific CDs. Alesia was headed to Denver on that day, so Alesia and her friend made it their mission to find the items. After going to several stores they found a Walkman CD player, NOT easy to find these days. Then one last stop at Walmart to find the CDs again not easy to find CDs and even hard to find specific ones. There were approx. 10 on the shelves and to Alesia’s surprise the two he wanted were available. Alesia then took the items to the patient on Monday. He was so happy, he immediately loaded the CD player and began listening. He didn’t stop listening for days. This story demonstrates Alesia’s caring spirit and desire to make the patient’s experience positive. Thank you, Alesia, you are a DAISY Nurse!