Alix Wooten
December 2020
Oklahoma City
United States
Alix's concern was for C's comfort and emotional support.
My 57 year old husband went in for low back surgery. It was going to be an overnight stay. C was not doing well with uncontrolled pain and muscle spasms. Alix RN came in to greet C with a smile and a positive attitude. He quickly checked the pain pump controls and looked on the MAR for a muscle relaxer. He placed a cryo pack on the back and looked at his JP drain to see if it was working correctly. Alix's concern was for C's comfort and emotional support. Covid has its own problems with only one support system. Each day, Alix arrived, his skill and knowledge were evident. After achieving pain control, O2 saturations went into the low 80s and blood pressure dropped low. Again Alix acted quickly making sure fluids were going and O2 applied. He also put C in the correct position. Alix called the doctor and continued to monitor his condition. Alix's skill, passion, and tireless devotion made a super impression. Alix as a nurse went beyond the normal duties in kindness and knowledge to care for C. Today, over 4 days later, we are going home. For the special nurses and doctors we say "Thank You", and especially Alix for his willing efforts and knowledge to help our family member.