January 2019
Emergency Department
Northeast Methodist Hospital
Live Oak
United States




I had had back surgery 40 days ago and was in much pain. Amanda deserves to be given many happy faces! Amanda will be recognized by many patients during their visit to the ER. I was dreading having my blood drawn because my veins always roll. It has been difficult in the past for staff to draw my blood or start an IV. Many times I have been poked up to 5 times but low and behold Amanda said the magic words no one has ever included me in "to which vein would I like my blood to be drawn from". Ms. Amanda picked 2 veins and said, "I would like to draw your blood from this vein if that is okay with you?"
She made me feel special when she asked me to give her my permission. That tells me Amanda puts her patients first, it is not just a job or a duty, she whole-heartedly has empathy for her patients while they are in the ER. Amanda made my visit very rewarding. She made such an effort to make my visit to the ER a pleasant one. She is blessed with the gift of that "special touch". She is friendly, always had a way of letting me know it was all about me and she never rushed me. I had an MRI done and Amanda explained everything to me, where I was going, that she would transport me, she assisted me when I changed into a hospital gown, and placed my clothes in my purse.
She went out of her way to bring me a bag for my belongings and assured me my belongings would be safe. She took the time to listen to me while I told her about how I injured my back. I shared my past work experience and career in "OT", Amanda shared with me what it is like to work in the ED. I never realized while I have been to the ER several times, how many different hats the nurses that work in the ER wear. I want to let everyone know what this nurse, Amanda Crow, has undertaken. She has saved lives while assisting in code blues. I am positive she has comforted a young mother in labor or soothed a family during a trauma, death, illnesses, shooting, stabbing, heart attack, a child who has fallen victim to abuse. We all need to walk a mile in Amanda's shoes for all her neverending work in the ER and her dedication to us, her patients. Thank you, Amanda!