December 2011
Homestead Hospital
United States




I would like to take this opportunity to recognize Angel for his excellence in nursing, great compassion and excellent team work. There has not been a time when I or any of the nurses on our floor have called Angel to help us with a hard IV stick Angel has been quick to come to our rescue. The other day Angel went above and beyond his normal excellent work. On Tuesday, I had received report on a patient I was receiving from the ED. The patient has extensive deformities due to severe osteoarthritis and was also severely dehydrated. The ED physicians had been unsuccessful in starting any IV access and actually had two failed attempts at an intra jugular access. The only access that the patient now had was an IO access. After receiving report, I placed a call to Angel and explained the situation, as always he said he would help. When the patient arrived on the floor, I quickly realized the patient was not stable. Her blood pressure was very low; she was lethargic, dusky color, and basically a mess. Her IO access was not even working. Angel was at the patient’s bedside within minutes and agreed with me that the patient was not in good condition. Angel made three attempts to get an IV access and was not successful. Angel then told me that our last resort for right now was to get an IV access on the patient’s thigh to at the very least be able to bolus her with fluids. Angel was able to get the thigh access quickly and started the IV bolus. The reason I would to nominate Angel for the DAISY Award is because Angel stood by the patient for about 45 minutes while I ran around getting orders to transfer the patient to PCU and spoke to the family. If Angel had not gone above and beyond as he did, I would not have had the ability to take care of my other patients since this patient was so sick. Angel gave me the peace of mind that the patient had 1:1 nursing care until I was able to transfer her out of our unit. It is because of his great compassion, tremendous skill, and great team work that I think Angel deserves to be our next DAISY.