Besan Zaro
February 2021
2B South
San Francisco VA Medical Center
San Francisco
United States
The veteran who nominated Besan praised her for her "remarkable display of empathy" and "seemingly boundless energy and positive support".
Besan Zaro has been with the San Francisco VA for over three years and is known to her colleagues as a very valuable resource and good role model. The veteran who nominated Besan praised her for her "remarkable display of empathy" and "seemingly boundless energy and positive support". This vet noted how difficult it was to choose one nurse to nominate, as so many of the staff provided such admirable care, but decided Besan was most worthy of recognition. Besan's teamwork isn't just appreciated by her fellow nurses, but it's also noticed by her patients, one of whom stated, "I never saw her shirk from helping others when needed, demonstrating her devotions to seeing that all the vets on the ward were well cared for".