Bob Wright
November 2021
Children's Surgical Unit- 3NW
Primary Children's Hospital
Salt Lake City
United States
Bob is a very caring, skilled, and knowledgeable nurse.
Our daughter, C, had a NUSS procedure at Primary Children's last week. It is a surgery to correct Pectus Excavatum, a chest wall deformity where the sternum sinks in towards the spine. A metal bar was placed under her ribs and sternum to relieve pressure on her lungs and heart. The surgeon warned us that it is the most painful procedure they do at Primary Children's. They weren't kidding! She had severe pain, coupled with vomiting, coughing, and times of helplessness. All of the nurses were amazing but there was one in particular who made all the difference in our stay.
C was lucky enough to have Bob 4 nights in a row. The days were exhausting between physical therapy, deep breathing, and trying to eat and drink despite nausea. By evening she was exhausted. Once Bob was on shift his priority was to give her the rest that she desperately needed. He was so good at planning the evening, setting goals with C, pushing her to do hard things, educating, and putting her at ease. He talked to her about things outside of the hospital, things that helped distract her and help her think about something else besides pain. He was incredibly organized and bundled his care very well. He was quiet, efficient, and made his visits to the room at night as least disruptive as possible. I can't even tell you how much I appreciated that as an exhausted mother. He was her advocate when changes needed to be made to her medications, working with and calling the surgical team, or helping her when things weren't going well. He even scoured the whole hospital to find her goldfish crackers to eat with her medications when no one else could find them.
Bob is a very caring, skilled, and knowledgeable nurse. C and I both had a sense of relief when he would come on shift. C was thrilled to go home after the 4th night but sad when she had to give him the last fist bump at the end of the last shift. Bob is a true DAISY Nurse for his excellent and extraordinary care. He is the BEST of the BEST. I can't say thank you enough.
C was lucky enough to have Bob 4 nights in a row. The days were exhausting between physical therapy, deep breathing, and trying to eat and drink despite nausea. By evening she was exhausted. Once Bob was on shift his priority was to give her the rest that she desperately needed. He was so good at planning the evening, setting goals with C, pushing her to do hard things, educating, and putting her at ease. He talked to her about things outside of the hospital, things that helped distract her and help her think about something else besides pain. He was incredibly organized and bundled his care very well. He was quiet, efficient, and made his visits to the room at night as least disruptive as possible. I can't even tell you how much I appreciated that as an exhausted mother. He was her advocate when changes needed to be made to her medications, working with and calling the surgical team, or helping her when things weren't going well. He even scoured the whole hospital to find her goldfish crackers to eat with her medications when no one else could find them.
Bob is a very caring, skilled, and knowledgeable nurse. C and I both had a sense of relief when he would come on shift. C was thrilled to go home after the 4th night but sad when she had to give him the last fist bump at the end of the last shift. Bob is a true DAISY Nurse for his excellent and extraordinary care. He is the BEST of the BEST. I can't say thank you enough.