December 2021
IU Health West
United States
Brooke's demeanor was perfect. She made my husband feel like a human.
As an IU Health RN myself, I understand the importance of exceptional care even as we are overly stressed during these rough times. On Thursday, my husband went to the ED at IU West due to stroke-like signs and symptoms. I won't go into full detail in this forum of all the mishaps but Nurse Brooke Yoder RN and the Neurologist were amazing. Nurse Yoder, a night ED RN, was THE ONLY nurse who cared for my husband (2 halls and then in the ED) who was able to follow MD orders as written in a somewhat timely manner. Again, I 100% understand how overwhelming working in health care is right now, but it's not the patient's fault. Especially those who are vaccinated and have taken Covid seriously. We should not be loudly complaining in earshot of the patients. Nurse Yoder bent over backward to try to mitigate all the errors made throughout the day. My husband was admitted mid-day, but due to lack of beds, he remained in the ED. Brooke took it upon herself to go and find a regular hospital bed with sheets and a pillow for his comfort. She brought him a urinal at the start of her shift although he had been there for many hours. She was the one who noted at 8:00 pm he was not NPO and offered him water and told us he could eat. When his 2:30 pm MRI kept being pushed back, SHE was the one who called at 9:00 pm to get a definite time. She was also the one to note he was to be on O2 when his sat dropped into the 80s, which was very often throughout the day, r/t to being given IV medication with sedating properties earlier in the day. She was also the one to note he was to be on IV maintenance fluids of 80mls/hour. Unfortunately, she was pulled to attend to an ICU patient for a couple of hours until they found a bed for that person. Although I'm the one who noticed after about 10 minutes the ED charge nurse had hooked up the IV incorrectly, not using the pump, letting it flow "wide open" as a bolus, she was the one who immediately contacted the hospitalist for direction. I know Nurse Yoder was incredibly busy with medical patients in addition to her emergent patients. Her demeanor was perfect. She made my husband feel like a human and not like another body taking up space. We all as nurses take the Nightingale Oath, that night she acted on every word and philosophy.