Carmin Zambrano
December 2024
HOMES Program
Parkland Health
United States
Carmin’s warm smile and her loving energy transform the world. I wish I could share her with everyone.
Carmin Zambrano is the nurse I want to be when I grow up, and I’m already retired, sort of. Right now, she is running circles around me, and she is six months pregnant. She is a nurse’s nurse in that she does everything. I never see her cut corners. Her charting is great, and she always gives every immunization and draws labs and follows every procedure so smoothly, she never looks flustered and always has time to stop and ask me if I need help.
But with her patients, she really shines. She initiated our RN-led hypertension clinic. I have listened in a time or two to her teaching her patient about their condition and explaining how they can overcome the problem and prevent the damage that this silent killer can do. Because our patients are homeless, they do not always have a safe place to store their medications. Working so closely with this population, we recognize that no one preys on the homeless quite like other homeless folks. They are embarrassed when they lose their meds either through theft or situation. Carmin explains to them that we understand these things happen, and she encourages them to come to us right away and let us know so we can get them right back on the meds. Do not wait; damage is being done.
This population can be distrustful of anyone, so sitting down with them and teaching them lets them know that there are people who truly care about them. There is a whole world of people who are made uncomfortable by the thought of the homeless so much so that they turn their heads and pretend they are not there or not real people. The homeless know this. So, when we get one-on-one with them and converse with them as human beings, they feel better about themselves and begin to realize that they do matter. It gives them a sort of confidence that they want to take care of themselves.
Some people are just born to be nurses. Their love for people is contagious. It’s a light and a warmth they cannot turn off. Sometimes I watch the news in the morning while eating my breakfast and I get so discouraged by all the violence and anger in the world. Then I come to work and see the people who are trying to make life a little easier for the folks with so little.
Carmin’s warm smile and her loving energy transform the world. I wish I could share her with everyone. She is the epitome of a DAISY Nurse.
But with her patients, she really shines. She initiated our RN-led hypertension clinic. I have listened in a time or two to her teaching her patient about their condition and explaining how they can overcome the problem and prevent the damage that this silent killer can do. Because our patients are homeless, they do not always have a safe place to store their medications. Working so closely with this population, we recognize that no one preys on the homeless quite like other homeless folks. They are embarrassed when they lose their meds either through theft or situation. Carmin explains to them that we understand these things happen, and she encourages them to come to us right away and let us know so we can get them right back on the meds. Do not wait; damage is being done.
This population can be distrustful of anyone, so sitting down with them and teaching them lets them know that there are people who truly care about them. There is a whole world of people who are made uncomfortable by the thought of the homeless so much so that they turn their heads and pretend they are not there or not real people. The homeless know this. So, when we get one-on-one with them and converse with them as human beings, they feel better about themselves and begin to realize that they do matter. It gives them a sort of confidence that they want to take care of themselves.
Some people are just born to be nurses. Their love for people is contagious. It’s a light and a warmth they cannot turn off. Sometimes I watch the news in the morning while eating my breakfast and I get so discouraged by all the violence and anger in the world. Then I come to work and see the people who are trying to make life a little easier for the folks with so little.
Carmin’s warm smile and her loving energy transform the world. I wish I could share her with everyone. She is the epitome of a DAISY Nurse.