Carol Yoder
December 2021
Medical Intensive Care Unit
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Iowa City
United States
Carol was still holding my mother’s hand and singing her a song. It was the most touching thing I had ever seen or heard.
Last fall my mom passed away after a two-week battle with Covid. Our family met Carol during the Palliative Care meeting we had in her room. My mom immediately bonded with Carol. Carol and my mother shared several conversations during her inpatient stay. The day prior to my mom's passing, my mom asked for Carol to come to sit with her. Carol had a way of calming my mom. It was difficult for my mom; she wasn’t ready to go. After Carol came in, she immediately sat down and held my mother’s hand, and they began to carry on a conversation. I left the room, and as I reentered, Carol was still holding my mother’s hand and singing her a song. It was the most touching thing I had ever seen or heard. Carol stayed past her hours of work to be with my mom. She went above and beyond and made our family feel that our mother was her only patient. I am so thankful I was able to capture that moment. I will have this memory for many years Carol helped our family and our mother so much during this difficult time. She is truly an amazing nurse.