Cathy Young
November 2014
MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
United States
On September 6, 2014 at an "Old Timers" baseball game in Salisbury, Maryland, one of the players had gone back to the dugout and collapsed. He was not responsive and not breathing. Cathy, who was there watching the game, rushed down and initiated CPR, both mouth to mouth and compressions. She called out for an AED only to find that, there was none at the field but someone stated they had one in their car. Cathy applied the AED and shocked the patient a total of three times. On the fourth analysis from the AED, it said no shock necessary. Due to her quick thinking and critical care skills, Cathy was able to save this man's life. This "old timer" ended up having quadruple bypass and stents two days later and is now home and doing well.
Cathy received 3 nominations for her actions. One from her husband, who calls Cathy not only his best friend but his HERO, and one from Dr. Jack Gordon (both were playing in the game). The third submission was from Cathy's co-worker, with whom Cathy shared the story.
Cathy received 3 nominations for her actions. One from her husband, who calls Cathy not only his best friend but his HERO, and one from Dr. Jack Gordon (both were playing in the game). The third submission was from Cathy's co-worker, with whom Cathy shared the story.