Charlene Orwat
April 2020
OR Recovery Room
Ascension Borgess




I saw so much compassion as Charlene checked him for vitals, as she talked to him like he could hear her, always going back and calling him by name.
I woke up in the step-down after surgery, to Charlene talking to me and finding out how I was doing. This is the first time I have had a spinal. I was not quite sure what to expect. Charlene walked me through what to expect, with no fear, that I had no feeling from the waist down. I was really impressed with my doctor's directions that I should have a spinal and why - will do it again if needed.
The man next to me was hurt badly the night before. When he came in, I saw so much compassion as Charlene checked him for vitals, as she talked to him like he could hear her, always going back and calling him by name - the tone of her voice said 'I hope you wake up soon'.
Charlene was a very caring person - you could tell. She was always willing to jump in and help anyone. When she was not busy with patients, she was helping clean up and get beds ready for the next person.
Charlene was a team player, the kind of worker you could work with every day. The kind you don't have to ask for help - she just sees you and does it.
I would be very happy if I got a nurse like Charlene every time I am in the hospital. I was taken care of wonderfully.