Cheng-Hai "Kevin" Wu
November 2020
Emergency Center
Texas Children's Hospital West Campus
Kevin told me I needed to stay strong for my son so he can stay strong. And that stuck with me ever since.
I met Kevin when my son was very young. We came into the ER because he had a fever, and this was before his TET repair. My son had to get bloodwork done and we met Kevin. I was new to all of this and panicked. I didn't know how to advocate for my son yet, but Kevin did. Kevin knew how critical drawing his blood was and how quickly it could go south for him. He spoke up for my son and I will never forget it.
Not only that, but he took the time to speak to me, like a human, not trying to avoid the emotional mom like everyone else. He told me I needed to stay strong for my son so he can stay strong. And that stuck with me ever since. I'm so grateful to have met him and have the privilege of him caring for my son more than once now. I will remember him for the rest of my life for the impact he has had on me and how to care for my son. Thank you, Kevin!
Not only that, but he took the time to speak to me, like a human, not trying to avoid the emotional mom like everyone else. He told me I needed to stay strong for my son so he can stay strong. And that stuck with me ever since. I'm so grateful to have met him and have the privilege of him caring for my son more than once now. I will remember him for the rest of my life for the impact he has had on me and how to care for my son. Thank you, Kevin!