Cindy Strauch
June 2020
Pediatric ICU (PICU)
Hackensack Meridian Health - Jersey Shore University Medical Center




Cindy has shown my son the utmost compassion, consideration, and care imaginable.
My son was airlifted to the ICU at HUMC after a dirt bike accident that resulted in lots of injuries. We are thankful for the phenomenal care that he is receiving from everyone that has been involved in his care. I would like to take a minute to recognize one of his nurses, Cindy, who I feel has shown my son the utmost compassion, consideration, and care imaginable. As his mother, this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through, and the way Cindy took care of him was exactly what every mother would want to see. I am so thankful. She took the extra time to not only care for him, but to treat him with dignity, respect, and care. Thank you, Cindy.