Dawn Wood
September 2023
Birthing Center
UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
Fort Collins
United States
To culminate everything, Dawn had to deliver my daughter by herself as the OB and significant medical staff were already tied up in an emergency OR situation.
Dawn was an absolute rockstar in my delivery and I truly believe she saved my daughter’s life. She was an amazing coach during labor, recommending position changes and guiding me through pushing. She listened to my desires about not wanting an epidural and helped support me through some very tough parts of labor and delivery.
To culminate everything, Dawn had to deliver my daughter by herself as the OB and significant medical staff were already tied up in an emergency OR situation. Nurse deliveries are never easy but to make things even more difficult, my daughter had shoulder dystocia and was stuck for an estimated 2 minutes. Dawn kept her cool, to the point that I didn’t even know it was going on. According to my sisters (who have been in multiple deliveries) and husband, Dawn absolutely saved my daughter’s life. She tried as many ways as possible to get the backup she so desperately needed but just wasn’t available to her. She acted immediately and was able to use her knowledge to maneuver my daughter and pull her out safely and thankfully without any long-term deficits. I am forever grateful she was there and my nurse that day. There is absolutely no denying that my daughter could have had significant harm or even worse had Dawn not acted as swiftly as she did.
To culminate everything, Dawn had to deliver my daughter by herself as the OB and significant medical staff were already tied up in an emergency OR situation. Nurse deliveries are never easy but to make things even more difficult, my daughter had shoulder dystocia and was stuck for an estimated 2 minutes. Dawn kept her cool, to the point that I didn’t even know it was going on. According to my sisters (who have been in multiple deliveries) and husband, Dawn absolutely saved my daughter’s life. She tried as many ways as possible to get the backup she so desperately needed but just wasn’t available to her. She acted immediately and was able to use her knowledge to maneuver my daughter and pull her out safely and thankfully without any long-term deficits. I am forever grateful she was there and my nurse that day. There is absolutely no denying that my daughter could have had significant harm or even worse had Dawn not acted as swiftly as she did.