Diane Zarcone
July 2024
VA Western New York Healthcare System
United States
Her actions made this life-threatening situation feel less threatening and that everything would be okay.
I was rushed into the ER after suffering from pulmonary embolisms in both my lungs, which caused necrosis, extreme difficulty breathing, and heart damage. I just underwent major shoulder surgery and had no use of my right arm. I was already in significant pain from the surgery, but when I developed the embolisms, the pain became unbearable and rendered my left side barely functional. As soon as I was admitted to the PCU, Diane did everything in her power to help me and make me as comfortable as possible. She attended to me constantly and provided me with phenomenal care. While under her care, she made sure I was positioned so that I could breathe and be comfortable. When I began to spasm, she was immediately there to help me. Overall, I never felt alone under her watch, and she consistently attended to all of my needs. She not only perfectly managed my medications, both IV and pills, which helped mitigate my pain, but she also made sure my water, food, hygiene, and, most importantly, my coffee needs were always met. When I was shaking and sweating from the pain, she was the first to suggest and provide me with ice packs to regulate my temperature. Furthermore, she was professional, compassionate, and extremely knowledgeable. When the doctors came in to talk to me, Diane was able to help clarify the terminology they were using so I could clearly understand my situation. I had multiple doctors and specialists who needed to see me, and Diane kept me constantly informed on who was scheduled to visit so we could better manage my sleep schedule and other needs. This extended beyond her shift, and she made sure I knew what to expect after she left. When her shifts ended, she always notified me of who was coming in next and when she would be back. When she returned each day, she immediately got to work and made sure I was as comfortable as possible again. She always made sure my family was informed and comfortable. She also suggested companion meals so my family could stay by my side. Her actions made this life-threatening situation feel less threatening and that everything would be okay. As a disabled veteran, the compassion and care that Diane provided excelled beyond any medical experience I have previously had. Therefore, I believe she should receive a DAISY Award for her being an exemplary nurse.