Dylan Dontanville
December 2020
Children's Hospital Los Angeles




Seeing my son interact with Dylan was like witnessing a child's enthusiasm interacting with a character who came to entertain at a children's party.
My son came by transfer from another hospital's pediatric unit. So, it's safe to say that during our time at both hospitals we have encountered over a dozen nurses and by far Dylan's care for our son stood out above the rest.
At Children's Hospital Los Angeles, we have come across nurses who show warmth, kindness, empathy, and efficiency. All of our son's needs were met and as a parent, I was never left wanting anything.
Dylan made part of my son's time at the hospital feel fun. Seeing my son interact with Dylan was like witnessing a child's enthusiasm interacting with a character who came to entertain at a children's party. Dylan made something as simple as playing Play-doh in his hospital bed feel special by just talking to my son and asking questions. Dylan listed to him when he cried about not wanting to take the "disgusting" grape-flavored Tylenol and instead of insisting to take it as I would, he created some kind of fun distraction to get him to take it. I can go on with many examples, but the one example that affirmed Dylan's special ability to work with children was when he came to say good-bye to my son at the end of his shift. As Dylan walked out the door my son whispered in a sad voice, "I'm going to miss Dylan."