Ellen Yoon
February 2023
Intensive Care Unit
Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center
United States
Even to the extent that one time she skipped her lunch break to pump her, and the head nurse had to force Ellen to have her lunch and did the pumping instead.
Ellen is the best nurse who had cared for my daughter who has been in the ICU for 13 days now. M had other nurses, but Ellen stood out among all of them for her: diligence in taking care and attending to M’s needs, proactive in asking her how she feels, sweet and caring attitude. Ensured that family members, M’s Mom, Dad, Sister and Husband who had been rotating constantly with M, are kept up to date on M’s progress. Ellen has excellent communication, shows empathy, and is sympathetic. She connected with us and provided emotional support. Goes above and beyond such as being ingenious in helping breast pumping set up for M. She educated us on the status of medications doctors ordered and why they’re needed. Proactive in consulting with OB doctor for Megan.
Ellen was assigned to my sister for quite some time. She was a standout nurse because she was the only one who was diligent and compassionate to the extent that she went above and beyond. Example: breast pumping her breastmilk every 3 – 4 hours was in the doctor’s orders. I and my mom have been the ones to breast pump her when we're in the room to take it off the nurses’ hands where were there. Ellen was the only nurse to insist that she be the one to breast pump her all the 20 – 25 mins vs just helping us set her up because of the orders. Even to the extent that one time she skipped her lunch break to pump her, and the head nurse had to force Ellen to have her lunch and did the pumping instead.
Ellen was assigned to my sister for quite some time. She was a standout nurse because she was the only one who was diligent and compassionate to the extent that she went above and beyond. Example: breast pumping her breastmilk every 3 – 4 hours was in the doctor’s orders. I and my mom have been the ones to breast pump her when we're in the room to take it off the nurses’ hands where were there. Ellen was the only nurse to insist that she be the one to breast pump her all the 20 – 25 mins vs just helping us set her up because of the orders. Even to the extent that one time she skipped her lunch break to pump her, and the head nurse had to force Ellen to have her lunch and did the pumping instead.