Erin Zanetti
January 2023
Women and Infant Center
Jefferson Hospital
Jefferson Hills
United States
She brought me tissues, offered to hold my hand, and never judged my emotions.
Erin provided wonderful care – she was compassionate and informative, which was just what I needed during my stay. I was admitted to be induced after my blood pressure was elevated during an EVC. While my doctor encouraged me to look on the bright side – I’d have my baby when all this was done – Erin gave me space to mourn my plan and accept that things were happening sooner than expected. She brought me tissues, offered to hold my hand, and never judged my emotions. I was sad to lose her to shift change that night but so happy to see her the next morning. Erin then cared for me through the majority of my labor. She was kind and responsive. When I had to make decisions about breaking my water and receiving an epidural, Erin provided unbiased information and answered my and my husband’s questions. He and I agreed how great it was to feel like we were making informed choices rather than having things just happening to us. Erin held my hand and reassured me as I endured contractions and as my water was broken and my epidural placed. While I was sad she wouldn’t be there when I delivered my son, she played a huge role in getting me to that point.