James Stanford
July 2021
Emergency Department
Our Lady of Fatima Hospital,
North Providence
United States




Her dermatologist said that if that nurse (Jim) hadn't done what he did, we'd probably be in the burn unit or God forbid even worse.
Our day started like any other day. We could have never imagined it would end the way it did. Early that evening, we took our only child out for dinner to celebrate her getting a job in human resources, after recently graduating. Just before finishing dinner, she asked if we could go home and light a fire in the backyard. Once home, we all did our own thing. My wife was arranging lawn furniture, took the dog out, my Mom was putting together some snacks and I had just put some kerosene on the recently cut wood that was in the fire pit. I then went back to the shed to return the container and get some cardboard to start the fire. That's when our life changed instantly. My daughter, not knowing I had put kerosene on the wood decided to help me by lighting the wood. While in the shed, I heard what sounded like a balloon popping followed by screams that I still hear in my mind as clear as day. The two-second walk from the shed to the backyard seemed to take forever. I had no idea what I would find when I turned the corner. I arrived to find my Mom on her hands and knees, and my wife laying on top of my daughter pulling my daughter's shirt off. All I could hear was my daughter yelling, "I BURNED MY FACE...!!!" My first reaction was to grab the nearby hose and just start spraying her. I knew she needed immediate attention. A rescue would take too long to respond. My wife smothered my daughter's face with Silvadene and we immediately gathered her up and I drove us to Fatima. Upon arriving, the waiting room was full. I simply told the young man at the reception desk, "My daughter burned herself..." The young man had us sit in the waiting room, and within minutes, we were met by whom I refer to as her guardian angel. Jim Stanford RN...he was the triage nurse that we later found out wasn't even supposed to be there at that time. He had offered to stay to help out because they were so busy. Jim immediately took us in the back and returned seconds later with a large bucket of ice, water, and cloths. He simply told us that this was the most important thing we could do if we wanted to help her. He told us that every five minutes the wraps on her face would need to be changed. My wife and I took turns wrapping her until security told us that protocol said only one person could be with the patient. I went to the car and we continued to switch off every hour for the next five hours. At approximately 1:30 am the Dr. came in and after seeing the horrific video couldn't believe how good she looked. He said the cold compresses helped and she should be fine, and to follow up with her dermatologist. We felt a sense of relief but weren't going to be satisfied until her follow-up appointment. She had her follow up and that's when reality set in. Her dermatologist said that if that nurse (Jim) hadn't done what he did, we'd probably be in the burn unit or God forbid even worse. Thankfully, she only has a few blisters on her face and her hair is a lot shorter than she'd like, but nothing new hair extensions couldn't fix.