Jamie Bentaas
June 2023
Case Manager Cardiology
Sanford USD Medical Center
Sioux Falls
United States




We are not sure what convinced the doctors to move up her TAVR and do it on a non-scheduled day, but we feel Jamie had a lot do to with it.
Our Mom was in the hospital for 3 days and then re-admitted a few days later. Jamie was her Case Manager for both stays in the hospital.

Jamie treated us like she had known us all her life, which brings comfort to a family that has an 87-year-old mother lying there needing a TAVR. The 2nd admittance was mom’s shortness of breath and getting the TAVR done wasn’t going to happen for a week or so and there was talk of sending mom home. Our concern was what was going to stop the shortness of breath from happening again and have us bring her through the ER for the 3rd time. Jamie agreed and was just as concerned as us and she said she would talk to the doctor's team and relay our concern. We are not sure what convinced the doctors to move up her TAVR and do it on a non-scheduled day, but we feel Jamie had a lot do to with it.

Jamie always came in very upbeat, and we feel she was trying to do the very best for mom… and us. She never acted like she did not have the time to discuss our mom and what was going on with her, or even to just sit and visit. When she would explain things, she explained them very well, whereas Mom (and us) understood them. If Jamie said she was going to contact someone to get an answer, when she received the information, she was looking for we would be notified. Not once did she not get back to us on any of our concerns.

Now that Mom is home, her two stays are a little foggy, but she remembers Jamie. Jamie has a warm and caring heart, and we know we are not the first family that she has helped that feels the way that we ALL do about her.

Thank you for your wonderful care and concern. We will Never Forget You!


Jamie was always very pleasant and helpful. She scheduled our follow with the doctor by our schedule's request and helped get the stress test done sooner, so we could hopefully get out sooner. We could ask her any question; no dumb questions and the answers were clear and easy to understand.