Janette Young
April 2018
VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System
United States
My dad always says that when he goes to the VA, he is treated as if he is the only patient they have, especially by Janette. She's always very nice, cheerful, and helpful. She never fails to greet me and address me even though I've only been there with my dad a few times. She remembers the other "helpers" who bring my dad to appointments. She fully explains things and has a great compassion and concern for my father. She takes the time to listen to him about his ailments and all his stories even though I know she doesn't always have the time. I wish I was a Vet so that I could have Janette take care of me! I wish to thank Janette and everyone else at the VA Reno who has helped my father. Thank you very much for the care you have provided.