Jeanne receiving her award from Melissa Zak and Kimberly White, Co-Chairs for the DAISY Award at Virtua Memorial.
April 2013
Virtua Memorial
Mount Holly
United States
Jeanne met us in the ER on Tuesday, when we brought G in for his facial wound due to a dog bite. When she walked up to us, she had a welcoming smile on her face and greeted G which made him feel very special. He was a little shy with her at first, but he became very attached to her (even wanted her to hold him - very unusual for him in such a short time of meeting someone). She placed G's IV and was there the whole time while G went under sedation to have the wounds cared for and sutured. She assisted the doctors and also kept vital signs on G while the procedure was being done and during recovery. She gave us great comfort in our most fearful and stressful time.
Then on Wednesday we came into the ER, G's wounds were infected and he was admitted to the hospital (scary). Then we woke up to our surprise there was that warm and kind smile that we had in the ER, Jeanne. I was so relieved to see her and G immediately recognized her. She helped us to understand what was going on and what needed to be done. She has captured the heart of our baby G. We want to THANK YOU Jeanne for all your hard work and dedication we have seen you give to all the patients in Peds.
...from the Patient's family.
Jeanne made such an impact on this family that they again made sure to thank her in the unit's Ronald McDonald Room journal. They said " I want to give a BIG Thanks to Jeanne, you have been there with G from the beginning and made us feel so comforted in a time of extreme fear and stress. We want to let you know we love you for showing so much love for our son."
Then on Wednesday we came into the ER, G's wounds were infected and he was admitted to the hospital (scary). Then we woke up to our surprise there was that warm and kind smile that we had in the ER, Jeanne. I was so relieved to see her and G immediately recognized her. She helped us to understand what was going on and what needed to be done. She has captured the heart of our baby G. We want to THANK YOU Jeanne for all your hard work and dedication we have seen you give to all the patients in Peds.
...from the Patient's family.
Jeanne made such an impact on this family that they again made sure to thank her in the unit's Ronald McDonald Room journal. They said " I want to give a BIG Thanks to Jeanne, you have been there with G from the beginning and made us feel so comforted in a time of extreme fear and stress. We want to let you know we love you for showing so much love for our son."