Jeanne Stranahan-Wrenn
February 2018
Rex Express Care of Cary
UNC REX Healthcare
United States
I came in with my mom who is 90 because she was developing an upper respiratory infection. Jeanne remembered me from when I was a student in the ED where she worked and she also remembered my mom from our having had her as a nurse at another ED. She was really nice to my mom and took a personal interest in her background as a nurse. Jeanne embodies all the qualities of a great nurse; she's smart, experienced and kind. She took the time to make my mom feel safe and comfortable. She brought her manager in to meet us and she was so excited to learn what I have done since I was her student. It is easy to get run down and burned out as a nurse in the Urgent Care, but Jeanne is super. She loves her job and loves people and she embodies what all nurses and doctors should aspire to. I heard her greeting two other patients with the same kind, caring and thoughtful tone. She treats everyone with care and respect.