Kanani Yojo
June 2019
Queen Emma Tower 7 Ewa
The Queen's Medical Center - Punchbowl
United States
Kanani was one of the first people I encountered at Queen's, and what a role model she is. Every interaction with her made me feel more confident and blessed. She made me feel safe and secure under her care and guidance. She made me understand that her number one mission, and that of Queen's, is the patient. That this was a journey we were all on together and at no time was I alone. This was a tremendous comfort to me and my family. She was so good with the little, seemingly insignificant things that were true acts of kindness, demonstrating her attention to detail. Mahalo to her and the entire staff of caring professionals here at Queen's.
Note: This is Kanani's 3rd DAISY Award!
Note: This is Kanani's 3rd DAISY Award!