October 2015
Pain Clinic
UnityPoint Health Trinity
Rock Island
United States
Kathy has been the lead nurse in the Pain Clinic for more than 10 years. She has always made patient care her priority. She makes sure the clinic is properly staffed on a daily basis to keep the patient flow going so both the patients and physicians are not waiting on staff to check people in to be seen. If the clinic is short staffed, Kathy will jump in to help out and still manage to do her job as well. Kathy spends her days at the clinic answering patient's questions, doing medication refills, and triaging phone calls from the patients. She treats every patient and/or family member equally and as if they are the only one in the clinic. She is the direct link between the patient's phone calls and the physicians. She puts in 100% effort to make sure patient concerns are answered in a timely manner. I feel that she needs to be recognized for her dedication to the Pain Clinic's patients, staff and physicians. We credit Kathy with the success of the Pain Clinic.