Keshia Craven
July 2024
Labor & Delivery
Norton Hospital
United States




She had many demands on her time that evening but was determined to get the information needed to make the best decision. She was also very comforting to me in an incredibly difficult moment. 
I was transferred to Norton on Saturday with a serious complication in my pregnancy. At this point in my pregnancy, I was 29 weeks and two days. The hospitalist that night had decided that I needed an immediate emergency C-section due to abruption. This came as a shock for several reasons. The issue I was in the hospital for that evening had occurred before, the baby was being monitored and showed no signs of distress, and I was not feeling anything internally that would make me think there was an immediate need to deliver. My husband was traveling that day and would not be able to get back until the next day. We were on the phone together trying to process this terrible news. We did not feel listened to as we asked important questions about what was happening or the delivery plan.
At that moment, Keshia stepped in and started gathering information and asking questions. She asked if I would be open to second opinion, and I eagerly said yes. It was a Saturday night, and many supporting staff were not available. Keshia started calling around and kept trying until she got the right staff to look at the ultrasound and provide consultation to investigate further. She had many demands on her time that evening but was determined to get the information needed to make the best decision. She was also very comforting to me in an incredibly difficult moment. 

After reviewing the ultrasound and baby's vital signs it was clear that an immediate delivery was not needed. I went on to spend 11 more days in antepartum. During this time our baby was able to grow to 30 weeks and 6 days. She received steroids which helped her lungs develop. By the time she was delivered she was closer to the due date and strong - she came out breathing on her own. As of writing this she is in the NICU where she is 36 weeks. She is growing well each day and has had very few medical needs. 

My husband and I know that without Keshia I would have had to deliver that first night. I would have given birth alone without my husband there. He would not have been able to comfort our daughter during her first hours after birth. Our daughter would not have had time for the steroids to take effect, or the benefit of so many extra days in utero. 

Keshia was also there the night I delivered my baby and held my hand while I was being prepped for an urgent C-section before my husband could come in the OR. She is everything you hope to have in the person by your side in any medical emergency, especially one involving both your life and your child's. Keshia is kind, knowledgeable, and driven to do the right thing for patients. My husband and I are forever grateful for her. With appreciation for Keshia we nominate her for the DAISY Award.