Kristin Roundy
March 2023
Same Day Surgery
St. George Regional Hospital
St. George
United States




I really appreciate that Kristin's attention was on him and his well-being and making sure he understood.
My 17y/o son had his first surgery today and his RN, Kristen, took the time to explain exactly what would happen and what he could expect. She explained where he would go for recovery and when his parent could come back with him.  She explained the IV, and the reason for pre-op pain meds  She explained post-op pain so well and in a way that made sense to him (if he can’t focus on his TV show and all he can think about is the pain, that’s when he needs to take some medicine so the pain doesn’t get out of control). I am an ED RN myself and I know this is probably what she says to all her patients. But, the thing that impressed me the most was as she did all this explaining and asked if he had any questions, she was facing him and talking directly to him (and me). She wasn’t busy charting on her computer or doing other tasks. I really appreciate that her attention was on him and his well-being and making sure he understood the things going on today for his surgery.