Liesel Klinefelter
August 2022
Labor and Delivery, 2 Center
Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital
Grand Rapids
United States




Your role in my son’s life will never be forgotten or taken for granted.
Liesel, you were my labor and delivery nurse for the birth of my son. Your care was extraordinary and gifted me with one of the most treasured blessings, my son. I came into the natural birth room fully dilated at 10. My previous birth experience in that room had been long and traumatic with my first son and my greatest desire with this experience was to rewrite that birth story. You did everything in your power to help aid me in listening to my body, change positions, and keep close tabs on K’s heartbeat. You repositioned pillows, cleaned up smears of poop before I could even think to be embarrassed, brought me water, got a cold washcloth for me, and adjusted the lighting. You laughed and rejoiced with me as my water broke explosively over the toilet and splashed my husband’s feet. You diligently monitored my son’s heart tones with the doppler even as I was in the throws of severe contractions. You detected a strong and healthy heartbeat less than five minutes before K was pushed from my body. And yet, when my precious baby was laid on my chest, he was pale, limp, and lifeless without breath or heartbeat.

You helped put in motion the massive team of people who rushed to the bedside to care for my son, ultimately allowing us to gain borrowed time with him. You gently helped me back to bed from the toilet and made sure I had a clear view of my baby as they worked on him. You held my hand and squeezed it as I delivered my placenta and was stitched up while the chaos of the code continued with my son. You made absolutely certain the chaplain came at our request to baptize our son because that was so important to us. You stayed by my side and rushed me to the NICU when we got word that K had coded again. Your care and presence in my birth story is unparalleled. Despite the traumatic events that followed K’s entry into this world, it was because of your care that I was gifted with my picture-perfect natural birth experience. And although his little heart was not beating when he came out, it means so very much to me that you had captured/confirmed it on the doppler just moments before.

Also, your presence at his funeral meant the world to me. I will never forget your extraordinary care and role in my birth story. Your role in my son’s life will never be forgotten or taken for granted. K was planted on earth only to fully bloom in heaven. Every time you look at this DAISY, know that his life and the time we were able to spend with him in labor and for a brief time after, was made possible by you and your excellent care. Thank you forever and always, from the bereaved mother to an angel.