May 2017
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
United States




Linda Romanski is one of our most highly regarded and respected clinical faculty in the school.
According to one of her colleagues, "recently Linda developed two courses in the revised curriculum. She brought years of nursing expertise to the development of assignments in these courses. She clearly understands both the art and the science of nursing and brings that knowledge into her teaching to foster students ' critical thinking and integrated learning." 
Her most recent clinical group submitted a nomination letter together. "While we have known Linda in the short span of a few months, she has undoubtedly had a positive impact on us all. In fact, many students in our group describe her as the most influential clinical instructor in their entire student nurse career. 
Linda emphasizes the importance of approaching nursing holistically and with cultural competency to truly address the human response. She maintains a respectful and empathetic demeanor as there are sensitive death and dying situations that arise in such a setting. She also identifies ethical issues that arise and advocates for our patients in ways that reinforce vital role to her student nurses. 
Her relationships with other members of the care team serve as examples for student nurses to emulate as they enter the practice and collaborate with members of an interdisciplinary team.