Lorena Villalobos
August 2017
Medical Surgical
Ochsner Medical Center - Kenner
United States




One of our patients at OMC-K had severe pain and was not able to participate in many activities of daily living. He was being treated with medication, but this did not alleviate all of his pain.
Lorena had researched pain management alternatives and was working on her unit to use art therapy as an alternative method. Lorena took time to educate the patient and his wife on pain management alternatives, including the use of art therapy. She purchased the art supplies and initiated art therapy with him. Lorena rounded on him every time she worked to provide emotional support, encouragement, and celebrate his success.
Art therapy did help as a distraction and he was able to participate more with ADLs and decrease the amount of pain medication he was taking. One of our OCs interviewed this patient and he stated, "if it was not for Lorena, I would not be around". The same patient needed an NG placed, which was a difficult task for him. Our patient stated, "When I had that tube down my throat, she explained everything to me and did it in about 20 seconds. She is not only thorough, she is on point".
Lorena also extends her care and compassion to her fellow employees. We learned that one of the employees on the unit was having medical issues and was very worried she would worsen and could not comply with her medical plan of care. Lorena took it upon herself to spend time with this employee, educate her on the medical issue and treatment plan. Lorena would check with her each week, discuss her progress and provide encouragement for continued success. With the employees' first positive milestone, Lorena took the time to plan a party to celebrate the employees' success and improved health.
Lorena is a caring and compassionate nurse. She cares for patients, families, and co-workers as she would family members. She is often found providing emotional support to employees, taking their place when an employee needs a few minutes to de-stress, providing tea, and cookies and small 'pick me up' gifts.