Lynn Worrell
November 2019
Surgical Step Down
Grand Strand Medical Center
Myrtle Beach
United States
On the worst day of my admission, I had a panic attack for the first time in my life. I am a nurse myself, and I am not used to being a patient. This nurse adopted me from the first day I was on the floor. Even though she was not my nurse, officially, she continued to check on me every day. The day I needed my wound vac changed, I was having issues with discharge and was incredibly stressed. She helped me through my panicking, made sure I had appropriate medicine to get through the procedure, and acted as my advocate or my guard dog. I honestly would not have gotten through the day without her. She was a light in a very dark and bad day for me. As a nurse, I hope to provide the same level of compassionate high-level care as her. She is truly the definition of an Extraordinary Nurse and person. She is a true DAISY Nurse.