Margaret Stewart
May 2022
2A – Orthopedics / Rehabilitation; 2B – Med/Surg – Oncology; IV Therapy
Southeast Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
United States




Margaret is the epitome of what a true leader is, while she strives to enrich others and encourage them to get to higher heights, she remains humble while crafting ways to ensure our hospital is the best place to be, either as a patient or staff member.
As a leader, Margaret continues to help her team and those around her by providing clarity for their various roles in our departments while motivating each one in their own unique way to fulfill the organization's mission and vision. The pandemic brought about changes that many of us never in our wildest dreams imagined would live to see during our lifetime. The third wave hit Margaret from multiple angles like a tornado. Similar to other departments she lost staff members in addition to one of her key leaders. It was during the same time she had to step up and fill in for one of her colleagues in unchartered waters, a department that is the gateway to our everyday functioning.

While this was going on, she had to deal with patient and physician issues that arose in all those areas she was in charge of. In addition to completing annual employee evaluations, there was also the preparation for the visit from TJC which she assisted her team in preparation. As the year came to an end, she played a major role in organizing and participating in the annual end-of-year celebrations with the PIC team. At no point did Margaret ever stop and complain that she was overwhelmed or state that she was exhausted. She maintained a sense of peace and calmness at all times while reminding her team that we would all get through it with a smile. Her doors remained open for scheduled and impromptu meetings whether it was from fellow leaders, her team, or members from other departments. Unfortunately, the toll of the pandemic would be felt hard when employees began to feel a major burn out and some planned to leave travel RN. Margaret showed so much grace as she helped them understand the magnitude of the decisions they were making. This helped us retain more staff and those that left promised to return as soon as their contracts ended.

While she was busy helping everyone, she lost a loved one. Her selfless nature would not allow her to stay away for long, as she continued to check on all of her team relentlessly. Her charisma is unbelievable as she diplomatically handles her team’s issues with ease and professionalism. She is very organized, warm, respectful, and gifted in multiple disciplines. She never stops or passes on the buck when confronted with any situation from her team members no matter their role. While she never takes credit, she is full of praise and always points out the very best in everyone that comes across her. She has a way with her words that makes you feel very empowered and valued, a culture that not so many organizations promote but a few practice.

Margaret is the epitome of what a true leader is, while she strives to enrich others and encourage them to get to higher heights, she remains humble while crafting ways to ensure our hospital is the best place to be, either as a patient or staff member. If there is any leader who deserves this award more, Margaret is that leader!


Margaret is the epitome of what it means to be a servant leader. Margaret serves with intention, compassion, and extraordinary behavior. I began to know Margaret when I accepted a position in the CDU back in 2015. I interviewed with Margaret and what drew to her was her ability to make a connection that did not feel forced, but more like she was making an intentional investment in me as a person, and I have watched her do this with so many employees and patients over the past two years.

In 2020, I embarked on a new journey in my career, as a nursing leader. This journey began as the COVID virus entered the US and started to infiltrate the greater Houston area and affect our campus in a very real way. While there was immense stress and fear of the unknown, I was privileged to be involved I the behind the scenes work to protect our campus and provide support to the staff that were taking this on headfirst. Behind the scenes, Margaret was a calming force not only for her own teams but also for other nursing teams and the other leaders. She would bring a conversation filled with angst back to the objective of finding ways to support and effectively leading our teams as a united from any unsettling situation. I witnessed Margaret love on leaders and staff equally.