Maria Cenname
August 2019
Observation Unit
Jupiter Medical Center
United States




As the ACM of the observation unit, Maria has used her kind, calm expertise to make a difference for our patients and families. The most recent encounter prompts me to acknowledge the lifesaving difference she made today.
Maria called me after a patient had an Echo and the tech mentioned the possibility of an aneurysm. She immediately contacted the doctor and, realizing the potential for instability, and personally took the patient to a CT scan instead of sending the primary nurse. Maria called to tell me of this patient's dissecting ascending thoracic and ABD aortic aneurysm. Quickly we took the patient to ICU.
At this point, Maria could have given a report and returned to her unit. However, she continued to be instrumental and handled the situation in a calm and efficient manner in preparing the patient for Trauma Hawk to JFK and emergency cardiac surgery.
First from a clinical standpoint, addressing her hypertension and reported to the many involved. Then from a comfort and holistic view, contacting the family, guiding and supporting both the patient and husband concerning the emergency transfer. From the time of diagnosis to Trauma Hawk liftoff was one hour. This amazing teamwork and lifesaving efficiency were started by Maria's quick action and follow through to discharge.