Martha Zatarain
April 2021
Emergency Room
Weatherford Regional Hospital
I would not have had this special time and these precious last words if not for Martha
My husband was admitted to your ER department with Covid. The ER department checked around all night to find an ICU open. At about 4:30 am, I informed Martha Zatarain of an open ICU bed. She called and made arrangements to have my husband medevaced out. Martha called me back and let me know about the arrangements. I then asked her if I could come to tell him goodbye. Martha made sure the other Nurse was okay with me being there. I got to be with him until he was airlifted out. That was the last time I got to speak to him. The last words he spoke to me were "I love you". I would not have had this special time and these precious last words if not for this special lady and her caring, loving heart. I feel Martha went above and beyond her abilities to let me have this last few hours that he was conscious. I pray God has a very special space for Ms. Martha Zatarain in heaven. Thank you Martha.