Meaghan Rupert
August 2022
Duke Raleigh Hospital Orthopedic / Medical-Surgical
Duke Raleigh Hospital
United States




She is a caring, compassionate individual who provides follow-up in all aspects of care
Meaghan Rupert is one of those nurses that makes me proud to be a nurse. She is a caring, compassionate individual who provides follow-up in all aspects of care, not just the physical realm. I was having a difficult time when I was a patient because of all of the confusion about my diagnosis and the need to be transferred to another hospital eventually. Meaghan helped me navigate the entire experience and provided such individualized care that I knew she cared about me as an individual. When I had a confrontation with a physician about transferring to a rehab facility instead of doing IV antibiotics at home, Meaghan was the one who contacted the home health agency and facilitated having them visit me to reassure me that I could go home instead of a facility. There are too many examples of her expertise, compassion, and love for her patients and their families to put them all in one nomination. I have been a CNO as well as a nurse educator, and I am proud and thankful to call her a colleague. The best way to sum up all she did is this example: she knew I was having a rough time facing all of the surgeries and the eventual transfer to another hospital. She came into my room, sat down, made direct eye contact with me, and asked me how I was and what she could do to help. It stood out to me in my weeks-long hospitalization. Meaghan deserves to receive the DAISY Award.