Michael Cullinan
July 2022
Emergency Department
Riverside Healthcare
United States




Mike provides exceptional care to all of his patients and always goes above and beyond for their needs no matter what extreme circumstances he and his ED team face every single day.
Mike is an excellent example of what all people in the nursing profession should strive to be. He provides exceptional care to all of his patients and always goes above and beyond for their needs no matter what extreme circumstances he and his ED team face every single day. Not only is Mike a fantastic nurse, but he is also one of the best coworkers anyone could ask for. Mike offers so much support and reassurance to everyone in the department. No matter how tough the night might be, Mike is always there offering help wherever needed and does his absolute best to support one another when we are all stressed out.

Recently Mike has served as a relief charge nurse and does an extraordinary job at it. One night stands out in particular; it was a very busy night. Mike was in charge and like always, the department was extremely short-staffed yet Mike was able to run the department like no other. Aside from being in charge of the ED, Mike has also had his own assignment and also juggled a variety of tasks. Such as answering the EMS radio, and making sure that patients were moving in and out of the ED appropriately to accommodate all of the patients that continued to check in all night. From the start to the end of the shift, not a single hour went by without multiple patients checking in, yet Mike did not allow that to affect his work ethic.

Mike is always putting the needs of others before his own which shows just how amazing of a person he is. Mike is extremely liked by others and does not give himself enough credit for everything he does for the ED. If you were to ask anyone in the ED, they would say that Mike is one of the best preceptors, coworkers, friends, and nurse Riverside has to offer. I am grateful to get to work with a nurse that inspires others to become better people. Mike should be recognized for the difference he makes in his patients and coworkers.