Michelle Yi
July 2015
Pulmonary/General Medicine
The University of Tennessee Medical Center
United States
Michelle Yi was taking care of a patientadmitted with a GYN issue. Being that we are a pulmonary floor, we don't care for many GYN patients. She did not let this keep her from being a great nurse for this patient. She noticed early in the shift that the patient had an increase in bleeding, so she notified the physician whorecommendedlab work. The lab work indicated a drop in blood level, but not enough to worry about. Throughout the day, the Michellecontinued to monitor the patient, whocontinued to have heavy bleeding, and becamemore concerned about the patient's condition.Towards the end of the shift, Michellenoticed a change in the vital signs and additionalblood loss. She notified the physician and told himshe was not comfortable with the patient's condition. She asked that hecome evaluatethe patient. Once the physiciansaw the patient, heordered additionallabs, whichshowed a significant drop in the blood level. Thepatient was transferred to a higher level of care and received a blood transfusion. Michelle did a wonderful job of advocating for the patient. Had it not been for her critical thinking and diligence, the patient mayhave continued to decline with apooroutcome.