February 2018
Banner Baywood Medical Center
United States




Nathan was the RN for one of my Palliative Care patients. This particular patient was very sick and required a tremendous amount of oxygen and care. After several meetings, the patient and his family made the decision to stop aggressive measures and proceed with comfort care via Hospice. Unfortunately, not long after the withdrawal of the high flow oxygen, this patient was struggling and had difficulty controlling his symptoms. After attempting other resources, I was called in via Nathan and the hospice team to assist with immediate comfort care orders.
Nathan was responsive and assessed this patient frequently and rapidly throughout the day. He caught and recognized symptoms of distress and appropriately reported them. Despite having a full patient load, he managed to be able to assess, comfort, and medicate this patient sometimes every 10-15 minutes, whilst awaiting orders and later a morphine gtt. Nathan even stayed with the patient after the patient's family left, not wanting him to die alone. He did not leave until someone else was able to stay in the room to relieve him.
Nathan acted with compassion and showed excellent nursing judgment. He was so calm and prepared I had no idea that this was his first ever Hospice patient. He exemplifies the Banner ideals of excellence and putting people above all else.