Neonatal Intensive Care Team at Winchester Medical Center
December 2023
Neonatal Intensive Care Team
at Winchester Medical Center
Winchester Medical Center
United States
Cynthia Nicholson-Yancey, RN III
Cindy Saville, Charge Nurse
Margaret Mills, RN II
Mackenzie Bonnett, RN III
Kelly Steffey, RN III
Emily Levie, RN III
Madeline Palmer, RN II
Misha Mark-Roisier, RN II
Daniel Kelley, RN II
Kristina Evans, RN II
Carol Nutry, RN III




Our world quickly changed when the decision was made that our daughter would need to be delivered via C-section, emergently at 26 weeks. I had developed HELLP Syndrome, and this was our only choice. To say we were scared is the biggest understatement- I'm a Critical Care Nurse and my husband is a Firefighter/EMT, but when it's the safety and health of your child, that training and knowledge seems to leave you. From the very first interaction in the OR with the NICU nurses, we knew our daughter was going to be in the best possible care. Although I don't remember everyone in the moment, Cindy S. and Emily were in the delivery room and reassured me they were there to care for L. In the following days and nights, Misha, Cindy Y., Kelly, Madeline, and Meg answered our many questions and calmed our fears. When L was on full ventilator support, and it was so hard to just sit and wait, all of the NICU nurses kept us company and made us smile and find reasons to laugh on those super tough days. They welcomed our families when they came to visit and ensured we felt comfortable when we had to go home. Carol worked tirelessly on nights to find ways to keep L comfortable and allow her to tolerate the ventilator, answered my many phone calls, and always ensured L was well cared for. Carol and Daniel helped me give L her first bath, which was a night I will never forget! How can a 2-pound baby make you sweat that much?! The nurses were always calm, even when L self-extubated and allowed us to feel at ease whenever we were at her bedside. Mackenzie educated us and made sure we understood everything that was going on and the plan of care. Kris always ensured L had a cute outfit and helped us to start understanding what we could do to support L in her development after discharge. I wish there was enough space to write all the incredible things they each did, and not just because it's their job, but because they genuinely care. Most importantly, this whole team of nurses supported us as a family, cheered us on each day, hugged us when we needed to just cry, celebrated the milestones with us, and took the absolute best care of our miracle baby. As a nurse, I never expected to be on this "side" of healthcare and definitely never anticipated needing the NICU for my child, but I am so thankful to have met each of them. Because of them, I'm not only a better nurse but a better mother. I have worked for Valley Health for 13 years and have never really interacted with our NICU staff, but I am forever grateful that I know them now and will be eternally thankful for their care and expertise. Because of them, we have a tough, precious little girl at home with us!