Patricia Wouters
October 2021
HCA Ambulatory Surgery Division
St. Lucie Surgery Center
Port St. Lucie
United States
Trish is also a champion for the security of controlled substances at her center and monitoring practices related to that.
Trish has been at the center for over 20 years and I have worked with Trish for over ten years now. Trish is one of those nurses who goes above and beyond and as a pharmacist she has helped me immensely over the years. I go to Trish for her attention to detail.
It was Trish who requested to the ASD pharmacy team the need to update the moderate sedation guidebook and she was instrumental in the revisions and giving us the nursing perspective. When the other East FL pharmacist and I went to update the pharmacy policies for East FL I went to Trish knowing she would fine-tooth edit every policy and make sure they match up to nursing regulations and requirements (we had over 100 policies that she helped us trim down to about 60). This was a yearlong project Trish helped us with willingly editing each policy multiple times.
Any time there is a request from a committee to add center staff members Trish comes to mind as she enjoys participating and contributing to ASD work that benefits the whole division and improves patient safety. Trish's attention to detail is not limited to policies and forms. She is on top of medication safety at her center - providing education and letting us know any areas where the center staff and anesthesia may need reeducation. I can think of one example where I had to call the board of pharmacy for a question for the center and before I even had a chance to contact St. Lucie County (which was the Board's recommendation Trish already had). Trish is also a champion for the security of controlled substances at her center and monitoring practices related to that.
Recently, Trish shared with me a medication education slide deck she created for anesthesia staff and I then shared it with the pharmacy education committee as it was so relevant and hit on the important areas we as pharmacists strive to address with anesthesia staff. If Trish believes the center has areas of opportunities related to medication management she lets us know and wants to improve and correct the issues and wants to be included in creating the solutions.
Outside of pharmacy Trish just cares so much for the center the staff and the patients. I can't tell you how many times I have called or texted her only to find out after the conversation was ending that she wasn't even at work that day- but Trish still wanted to address and try to correct any issue there may have been. Words can't express the amount of appreciation myself and the East FL pharmacists have for Trish which is why we jointly nominated her for The DAISY Award. She makes it easier to do our jobs and her passion for her profession and her care of patient safety resonate in all she does.
It was Trish who requested to the ASD pharmacy team the need to update the moderate sedation guidebook and she was instrumental in the revisions and giving us the nursing perspective. When the other East FL pharmacist and I went to update the pharmacy policies for East FL I went to Trish knowing she would fine-tooth edit every policy and make sure they match up to nursing regulations and requirements (we had over 100 policies that she helped us trim down to about 60). This was a yearlong project Trish helped us with willingly editing each policy multiple times.
Any time there is a request from a committee to add center staff members Trish comes to mind as she enjoys participating and contributing to ASD work that benefits the whole division and improves patient safety. Trish's attention to detail is not limited to policies and forms. She is on top of medication safety at her center - providing education and letting us know any areas where the center staff and anesthesia may need reeducation. I can think of one example where I had to call the board of pharmacy for a question for the center and before I even had a chance to contact St. Lucie County (which was the Board's recommendation Trish already had). Trish is also a champion for the security of controlled substances at her center and monitoring practices related to that.
Recently, Trish shared with me a medication education slide deck she created for anesthesia staff and I then shared it with the pharmacy education committee as it was so relevant and hit on the important areas we as pharmacists strive to address with anesthesia staff. If Trish believes the center has areas of opportunities related to medication management she lets us know and wants to improve and correct the issues and wants to be included in creating the solutions.
Outside of pharmacy Trish just cares so much for the center the staff and the patients. I can't tell you how many times I have called or texted her only to find out after the conversation was ending that she wasn't even at work that day- but Trish still wanted to address and try to correct any issue there may have been. Words can't express the amount of appreciation myself and the East FL pharmacists have for Trish which is why we jointly nominated her for The DAISY Award. She makes it easier to do our jobs and her passion for her profession and her care of patient safety resonate in all she does.