Rebecca Dobbs
January 2020
Clinical Resource Team
ThedaCare Regional Medical Center - Appleton
United States




Rebecca cared for a young female that was in a motorcycle crash where her husband was the driver. She sustained numerous fractures requiring surgery and shortly after arriving at the floor from surgery, the provider called to inform Rebecca that her husband who was in the ICU was not doing well and recommended that the patient come to see him. Rebecca called the ICU to collaborate with the nurse on bringing the patient down and Rebecca also sought out information so that she could prepare the patient on what she was going to see. Rebecca brought the patient and her sister down to the ICU after preparing them for the situation. She pulled her bed alongside the patient's husband so she could hold his hand and say goodbye.
Over the next 3 days, Rebecca continued to care for this patient and her family. The patient's goal was to go home. Through her stay, she worked very hard in therapy and was cleared to be discharged home.On the day of the patient's discharge, Rebecca requested to care for this patient and prior to her shift, she stopped at Walmart to get a sympathy card for the patient and the family. She ensured the patient was discharged so they could get to the funeral home. At discharge, Rebecca, the patient, and family cried together. Rebecca was able to be a consistent caregiver for her during this very tragic time. Even though it was a very hard situation, Rebecca was able to provide the patient her much needed care, support, advocacy and consistently she needed.
Another example is she cared for a patient that had spinal surgery. She made a positive connection with her and her husband on a Friday night shift as she cared for her on the surgical floor. The next day Rebecca cared for the patient on Rehab. This patient was very happy to see Rebecca was her nurse. Rebecca was able to continue to care for this patient and build a strong relationship. The patient needed to have emergent surgery and Rebecca was her nurse on this shift. A week later Rebecca was working on the neuro unit and Rebecca was able to assist in her care. The patient was grateful for her attention and happy to see a familiar face. She teased Rebecca that she was following her around the hospital because she loved her so much.
A couple of weeks later, Rebecca cared for this patient on rehab. This time she was not making as much progress as her first time in rehab. Rebecca made extra time to sit with her and listen to her frustrations, concerns, and sadness over her new inability to walk. Rebecca told her a story about the miracle man and the power of positive thinking. They were both in tears and the patient was thankful for Rebecca helping her stay positive. She was later discharged but their paths crossed again.
Two months later, Rebecca cared for this same patient as they came back to Rehab. As the patient saw Rebecca she was excited and overwhelmed with emotion seeing her. She was able to say goodbye as the patient was finally able to discharge home. This was the first time she got to go home in months. Still unable to walk, this patient was happy and positive like she had been when Rebecca first cared for her months earlier. She told Rebecca that anytime she feels down she remembers the story Rebecca told her about the miracle man and by staying positive has truly made her life happy even though she could no longer walk.