Rita Emmett
May 2020
Case Management
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
United States




I am a stubborn woman and hard for me to ask for help even from my family so a stranger was hard, but Rita had such a soft touch and kind voice.
I am disabled and I walk with a walker. My son dropped me off for my doctor's appt on Monday in December. I was slowly coming into the hospital and I noticed I bumped my leg and it started to bruise and hurt. I am wobbly and this was one of my more difficult days even though I did not tell my son. He just worries. Rita came up to me as I was entering the hospital doors and saw me struggling quite a bit. I knew she was a nurse because of her uniform and name tag. She asked if she could help me and believe me, I welcomed it.

This kind, sweet, nurse saw my struggles and came to my rescue. She had her coat on so I knew she was leaving for the day but she took the time to help me. I will say I was nosey and looked at her name tag. It said Rita RN, Case Manager. She helped me get to a chair to rest and noted my leg was bruised and she went right into her nursing job and actually looked at it, asking questions on pain, hurt elsewhere, and what medications I was on (like my blood medicine). She sat there with me and asked if she could get a wheelchair and take me to my appointment; I refused the wheelchair but did take her offer to help me to my appointment.

I am a stubborn woman and hard for me to ask for help even from my family so a stranger was hard, but Rita had such a soft touch and kind voice. I was so impressed with her and her professionalism. She helped me to my appointment, checked me in, and waited until my son arrived. Rita also told the office lady to be sure the doctor looked at my leg; Rita did not have to do it, she was leaving to go home and could have just left, but she took the time to help someone she did not know.

I really want to recognize Rita for her professionalism and kindness. I don't know what I would have done if Rita did not come along and helped me to get to my doctor's appointment. Rita's smile and soft kind words were so welcoming to me and eased my anxiousness on this day. My friend encouraged me to write this letter as she had been in the hospital and needed assistance and Rita was the one who helped her.

Rita offered to help me to my car after the appointment but my son was coming so I declined. Remember, Rita did not have to help at all but this is the kind of nurse you employ. I want to thank you for employing such a kind, dedicated professional nurse as Rita. Rita definitely has been called to her nurse job as an angel. Thank you for listening to me and for allowing me and you to honor Rita for her dedication, kindness, and compassion ways being one of your angels in mercy.