Bobbie Engquist
November 2021
Family Birth Center
Sanford Medical Center - Fargo
United States




Bobbie gave us space to labor together as a couple but stepped in to offer physical support and guidance when it was clearly needed.
I was sent to the triage unit at the Fargo Sanford Family Birth Center for extended monitoring of my unborn baby due to concerning decelerations during an in-clinic non-stress test. I have a history of pregnancy loss, so I was incredibly emotional and scared about what may be happening. Due to his work schedule, my husband was unable to be with me right away, heightening my emotions.

Bobbie was the nurse on triage that day, and she treated me with such kindness and consideration. She stepped in to provide the support that I needed. She didn't shy away when I was crying but invited me to share my thoughts and worries. She communicated on my behalf to the doctors and other staff about my fears and my desires so that everyone who entered my room was prepared with my history and my concerns. This was such a relief to me as I was so emotionally drained from the day that I don't know I would have been able to repeat my story and advocate for myself the way that Bobbie did for me.

After several hours of monitoring, it was found that my unborn baby was not in harm’s way, and I was discharged home. I returned to the hospital several days later for a scheduled induction. This was an exciting but nerve-wracking time as the fears of bringing our baby safely into the world were hard to set aside. To my delight, upon entering my labor and delivery room I saw Bobbie! She said that she had been checking the schedule for my name ever since the day I was at triage and was glad to be taking care of me again. Having a now-familiar face in the room was so comforting.

Throughout the day, Bobbie went above and beyond to help me and my husband remain relaxed and confident. It was clear that she had a great experience with labor and delivery nursing and put that into action to help me achieve the unmedicated delivery that I desired. Bobbie gave us space to labor together as a couple but stepped in to offer physical support and guidance when it was clearly needed. Although my husband's presence and support were of utmost importance to me, I was also so very grateful to have Bobbie's support and presence as well. Even though she easily could have with her knowledge of labor, she did not overpower my husband but instead provided him guidance and support as well. When I was losing focus and control, she remained calm and treated me with the perfect mixture of firmness and gentleness. The interactions we had during early labor made it so easy for me to trust her, and trust in your care provider is an element of such importance in unmedicated labor and delivery.

Bobbie's shift was scheduled to be done at 3 pm, but she never once acted rushed or put out by staying with us for the few hours of recovery after our son was born at 2:53 pm. As she transferred us to the post-partum room, she shared that she was glad to be there with us for the birth of our son after taking care of us in triage earlier that week and that she hoped to see us again if we were still in the hospital on her next shift.

A week after our son was born, we received a note in the mail from Bobbie expressing her gratitude for being with us at such a monumental time in our lives. This was my 5th live birth, and although I have had good nurses in the past, I have never had one that connected with me in such a way as Bobbie did and I am so grateful to have had her as our nurse. Any mother to whom she is assigned in the future will be blessed to receive her care!