July 2024
Sabri Fayiz
Al Dhafra Hospitals -SEHA
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
His gentle touch and calming voice soothed not just my son, but my own racing heart.
ابني البالغ من العمر 6 أسابيع ، صدره الصغير يكافح من أجل كل نفس ، مع انخفاض مستوى الأكسجين الذي تم إدخاله إلى وحدة العناية المركزة قبل 3 أيام ملأني بخوف بدائي. كان قسم الطوارئ زوبعة ، ولكن بعد ذلك وصلت الممرضة صبري. لم تهدئ لمسته اللطيفة وصوته المهدئ ابني فحسب ، بل قلبي المتسارع. عندما أدخل القنية بخبرة بعد العديد من المحاولات من قبل موظفين آخرين ، تحول خوفي إلى موجة من الامتنان. في تلك اللحظة، شعرت أن الممرض صبري لم يكن يعالج مريضا فحسب، بل كان يعتني بابني مثل ابنه. لطفه وكأنه شريان حياة ، منارة أمل بأننا سنكون بخير
My 6-week-old son, his tiny chest struggling for each breath, with low oxygen level, admitted to ICU 3 days ago, filled me with a primal fear. The emergency department was a whirlwind, but then Nurse Sabri arrived. His gentle touch and calming voice soothed not just my son, but my own racing heart. As he expertly inserted the cannula after many tries by other staff, my fear transformed into a wave of gratitude. In that moment, I felt like Nurse Sabri wasn't just treating a patient, he was caring for my son like his own. In the sterile, frightening environment of the ICU, his kindness felt like a lifeline, a beacon of hope that we were going to be okay.
My 6-week-old son, his tiny chest struggling for each breath, with low oxygen level, admitted to ICU 3 days ago, filled me with a primal fear. The emergency department was a whirlwind, but then Nurse Sabri arrived. His gentle touch and calming voice soothed not just my son, but my own racing heart. As he expertly inserted the cannula after many tries by other staff, my fear transformed into a wave of gratitude. In that moment, I felt like Nurse Sabri wasn't just treating a patient, he was caring for my son like his own. In the sterile, frightening environment of the ICU, his kindness felt like a lifeline, a beacon of hope that we were going to be okay.